White corundum   can process granularity according to user requirements. The general granularity number is F4-F320, and its chemical component vision is different. The prominent feature is that the crystal size is small and impact. If it is crused with a self -grinding machine, the particles are mostly spherical particles, the surface is dry, and it is easy to binding to bonded abrasives

White corundum  is the main raw material for producing mid -to -high -end irregularities and fixed refractory materials. It is used for large -scale steel ladle pouring materials, mid -to -high -end iron groove pouring materials, sandblasting, prefabricated pieces and other irregular refractory materials. , refined with porous  bricks, overall spray guns and sliding gate in steel industrial , high -temperature industrial kiln lining materials and other kinds of white corundum  related  products. It is widely used in steel, cement, ceramics, abrasives, petrochemicals and other industries.

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